February 2013 Issue | Volume 7, Number 2
A publication of the University of Utah Center on Aging
2013 Retreat: Call For Posters
April 8, 2013 is the date for the 2013 Center on Aging Research Retreat. This year's retreat will be a single day Reception & Poster Session that will be held in the University Guesthouse Ballroom (110 Fort Douglas Boulevard) from 3 to 6 PM. Every CoA faculty and student member is encouraged to submit a poster for presentation at the retreat. Student/trainee submissions will be eligible to compete for the "Best Student Poster" award. To reserve space for your poster, information must be submitted by a deadline of March 25th. We look forward to this annual opportunity to highlight the Center's new research findings from pilot grant recipients, faculty and trainees, and network with our colleagues. For more submission details, please see: Poster Instructions (PDF).
ADRC Funding
We are pleased to announce the Utah Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC),
in partnership with the Salt Lake VA GRECC, received funding for FY13 from the VA
Office of Rural Health to provide Information and Referral and Options Counseling
to rural Veterans. Three ADRC's, Mountainland, Bear River, and Salt Lake County will
receive intensive VA benefits training and then each site will designate an Options
Counselor to work specifically with Veteran clients. In this innovative approach we
hope to create a model to expand to all Utah ADRC's and to be disseminated to ADRC
programs nationwide improving connections and information to rural Veterans who otherwise
might not have local access VA benefits.
HELP Program Earns National Recognition
The Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP) at University of Utah Hospital was recently named a HELP Center of Excellence and was cited as "playing a critical role in dissemination of the HELP model and serving as role models for interested programs providing mentorship of new sites." As a Center of Excellence for HELP, the UHC will be able to disseminate its success to other sites. Read announcement here.
Prestigious Physiology Award Received
The American Physiological Society has awarded its 2013 Arthur C. Guyton Award for Excellence in Integrative Physiology to Center on Aging member Markus Amann, PhD. This award is given annually to an individual demonstrating outstanding promise based on his/her research program in feedback control systems, quantitative modeling, and integrative physiology. The award recognizes Dr. Amann's research into mechanisms of muscle fatigue in aging. Dr. Amann received a CoA pilot grant award last year for a directly related project, ""Respiratory muscle work and oxidative stress in the elderly: impact on blood flow and fatigue." Congratulations to Markus!
New Grant Awarded to Dr. Del Fiol
One major goal of the CoA pilot grant program is to lead to new, eternally funded,
grants. A 2011 CoA pilot project award to Guilherme Del Fiol, MD, PhD
, Assistant Professor
in Biomedical Informatics, "Providers' Information Needs in
the Care of Older Adults," has resulted in this outcome. He is the principal investigator
for a new grant award titled, "Meeting Clinicians' Information Needs with Highly-tailored
Knowledge Summaries" funded for four years from the National Library of Medicine.
Congratulations to Guilherme!
Heroes of Geriatric Care Story Contest
The John A. Hartford Foundation is seeking stories about how geriatric expertise (in
any profession or discipline) "saved the day". Stories (in written, audio or video
files) can be submitted by providers, patients, or the general public. Cash (up to
$3,000) and other prizes will be awarded to winning entries. Submission deadline is
April 15th. See Guidelines and Official Rules here.
Aging Grant Opportunities
Newly Posted
Open Date | Title and Link to More Information | Funding # |
02/15/2013 | Mechanisms, Models, Measurement, & Management in Pain Research (R01) (also an R03, and R21) | PA-13-118 |
02/06/2013 | Obesity Policy Evaluation Research (R01) | PA-13-110 |
01/31/2013 | NIA Limited Competition: Renewals of, and Revisions to, Existing Cooperative agreement Awards (U01) | PAR-13-097 |
01/24/2013 | PHS 2013-02 Omnibus Solicitation of the NIH for Small Business Technology Transfer Grant Applications (Parent STTR [R41/R42]) (also R43/44) | PA-13-089 |
Deadline Approaching
Open Posting/Deadline
For grants with an "open" posting and/or deadline dates, please see our new Aging Grant Opportunities Web page.
Center on Aging Membership Directory
As a mostly virtual Center, we depend on the accuracy and timeliness of our Web presence. Center members are urged to review and update their membership directory information. Please view your information on the Center's Web site (click on your photo to see the detail page) and send any updates or requests for changes to aging@utah.edu.

About our logo: The bristlecone pine tree (Pinus longaeva) -
the earth's oldest inhabitant with a life span of 4,000 years -
is found only in Utah and five other western states.
Its extraordinary longevity and ability to adapt and
survive in extremely harsh environmental conditions
above 10,000 feet embodies the investigative spirit
and mission of the Utah Center on Aging.
Mark A. Supiano, MD
Executive Director - Center on Aging
For more information about the University of Utah Center on Aging, please visit us online at www.aging.utah.edu